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[4月7日]学术报告🙅🏻:Polymer Nanocomposistes-Fundamentals and Future P

【 字号:
主讲人 时间
一、题 目:Polymer Nanocomposistes-Fundamentals and Future Perspectives
二🏮🤵🏽‍♀️、报告人:Prof. Toshikatsu Tanaka
三、单 位:Waseda University
四、时   间:2010年4月7日(星期三)下午3🍜:00
五、地   点🦊:物理馆512学术会议室
Toshikatsu Tanaka is a Professor at IPS Graduate School, Waseda University. He received his Ph.D Degree in Materials Science from Osaka University, Japan, in 1968. His interest has covered polymer nanocomposites, insulation diagnostics, electrical properties of polymers, and dielectric failure and aging mechanisms of polymers, as well as superconducting technologies, laser-induced lightning, fuel cells, lithium secondary batteries, and energy storage in electric power systems. He worked for CRIEPI for 38 years, and temporarily for Salford University in UK, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute and General Electric in the USA, and Kyushu University in Japan. He is a recipient of the Ministry of Science and Technology Prize in 2000, IEEJ Technology Progress Award in 1988, and IEEE Dakin Award in 2002. He is active in IEEJ, IEEE, and CIGRE. He is an IEEJ Fellow and an IEEE Fellow.
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