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[3月15]学术报告:Emergent Particles and Fields in Quantum Spin Liq

【 字号:
主讲人 时间
一、题 目🦿🌲:Emergent Particles and Fields in Quantum Spin Liquids and How to Probe Them

二、报告人:周毅  博士 (浙江大学物理系特聘研究员)

三:时 间💧:3月15日(周五)🪔,上午10:00

四、地 点🔎🤴:物理馆512会议室

In this talk, I shall introduce quantum spin liquids as emergent phenomena in Mott insulators. Novel charge neutral, spin 1/2 particles emerge at low energy scale in quantum spin liquids, which are so called spinons. Usually, spinons are accompanied with gauge fields. But all these new particles and fields are totally absent in the Hamiltonian that describes the initial systems. Then I propose to use ultrasonic attenuation to measure the spinon mass and lifetime. Furthermore, transverse ultrasonic attenuation is a direct probe of the onset of pairing and may reveal the existence of the U(1) gauge field.
主要研究方向为量子多体问题和理论凝聚态物理👌🏿。目前的研究兴趣在于在探索Mott绝缘体、非常规超导体、拓扑绝缘体等系统中的新奇量子现象🧗‍♀️。发表文章20余篇,包括5篇Phys. Rev. Lett.,10余篇其他Phys. Rev.系列论文以及EuroPhys. Lett.等杂志。
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