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[6月15日]学术报告⛓:Recent Advances in Quantum Mechanics of Constrained Motion

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题 目🎚:Recent Advances in Quantum Mechanics of Constrained Motion
报告人:刘全慧 教授 (湖南大学)
时 间👩‍👧:6月15日(周五),上午11:30
地 点♋️:物理馆512会议室

For a particle moves on a two-dimensional curved surface, we examine it in three-dimensional flat space rather than on the surface itself. Because no geometric surface of zero thickness exists in the realistic world, it is better to conceive of a surface as a limiting case of a curved shell of equal thickness d, where the limit d→0 is then taken. There is a noninterchangeability of computational order: firstly taking limit d→0 then defining the derivatives on the surface, and firstly taking derivatives in bulk then letting d→0. The latter procedure predicts the presence of the geometric momentum and geometric potential.


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