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[1月23日]学术报告🫃🏻:Can We Control The Heat Current? A Dynamical System’s Perspective

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题 目:Can We Control The Heat Current? A Dynamical System’s Perspective
报告人🤶🏼:Prof. Giulio Casati(University of Insubria ,Como-Italy)
时 间:1月23号(周三),上午10:30-11:30
地 点:南校区第一实验楼406会议室

The understanding of the microscopic mechanisms which determine the macroscopic laws of heat transport is one of the main problems of statistical mechanics. On the other hand, providing a sustainable supply of energy to the world’s population will become a major societal problem for the 21st century as fossil fuel supplies decrease and world demand and environmental concern increases. Thermoelectric phenomena, which involve the conversion between thermal and electrical energy, and provide a method for heating and cooling materials, are expected to play an increasingly important role in meeting the energy challenge of the future.
Here we discuss a new approach , which is rooted in nonlinear dynamical systems, for increasing the efficiency of thermoelectric machines. The main focus will be on the physical mechanisms, unveiled by these dynamical models, which lead to high thermoelectric efficiency, approaching the Carnot limit.
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1987-1998, Full Professor of Theoretical Physics, Milan University
1993-1998, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Milan University
1993-1998, Director of the Centre for Nonlinear and Complex Systems-Como
Since 1998, Full Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Insubria-Como
Since 2005, Distinguished Professor National University of Singapore

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