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[5月31日]Adventure in Counterfactual Quantum Cryptography

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题 目:Adventure in counterfactual quantum cryptography
报告人:Mohammad Dhafer Al-Amri (Associate Professor, The National Centre for Mathematics and Physics, King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)
时 间:5月31日(周五)🌁,下午3:30
地 点:南校区实验楼406室


In this talk, I will introduce briefly classical and quantum cryptography. After that I will go into discussing a new scheme that we have proposed recently which allows the communicators to exchange information without sending any real particles in the transmission channel– a result that is highly counterintuitive (almost mind boggling). This idea is for the first time shown possible within the realm of physics.
1996:BSc in Physics with 2nd class honours, KSU, Abha, Saudi Arabia
2001:Msc in Physics with Distinction, Sussex University, UK
2004:Ph.D in Physics, York University, UK
2005-2008🧘🏻‍♀️:Assistant Professor, Physics Department, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
2008-2011🫲🏿:Assistant Professor, The National Centre for Mathematics and Physics (NCMP),King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST),Saudi Arabia
2011-Present⚾️:Associate Professor and the head of the Quantum Optics and Informations group, NCMP, KACST, Saudi Arabia
He was the recipient of Stott prize in Physics for the best PhD thesis in York University in 2004, the senior Membership of Optical Society of America 2012, and the CO/ICTP Gallieno Denardo Award Winner in 2013. His research interests are in the area of light-matter interaction, quantum optics, quantum information, weak measurement, quantum lithography, atomic mirror, etc. He has published over 40 journal papers, within about 30 published in the Journal of PRL and PRA.

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