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    [12月24日]Boosting work characteristics and overall heat engine performance via shortcuts to adiabaticity: quantum and classical systems

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    题 目🩺:Boosting work characteristics and overall heat engine performance via shortcuts to adiabaticity: quantum and classical systems
    报告人:Jiangbin Gong 教授 (新加坡国立大学物理系)
    时 间💂‍♀️:12月24日(周二),下午3:00-4:00
    地 点👭:南校区第一实验楼423会议室


    Under  a general framework,  shortcuts  to adiabatic  processes are shown to be possible in classical systems. This provides an important guide towards designing and understanding  adiabatic  control. We  then  study the  distribution  function  of  the  work done on a small system initially prepared  at thermal  equilibrium. It is found that the work fluctuations can be significantly reduced via shortcuts to adiabatic processes. For example,  in the  classical  case probabilities  of having  very  large  or  almost zero  work values are suppressed.  In the quantum case negative work may be totally removed from the otherwise non-positive-definite work values. We also apply our findings to a micro Otto-cycle-based  heat engine.  It  is  shown  that  the  use of  shortcuts,  which directly enhances  the engine output power,  can also increase the heat engine efficiency substantially, in both quantum and classical regimes.


    • Coherent control of quantum dynamics and the associated applications in quantum information science as well as atomic and molecular physics
    • Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms
    • Fundamental aspects of quantum nonlinear dynamics in connection with experiments of cold-atoms in pulsed optical lattices
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