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[7月2日]Unique Optoelectronic Properties of Organic Nanofibers: Material Design and Engineering at Nanoscale

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题 目:Unique Optoelectronic Properties of Organic Nanofibers: Material Design and Engineering at Nanoscale
报告人:Prof. Ling Zang  (University of Utah)
时 间:7月2日(周三)🤖,上午10:00
地 点😻🏃🏻‍♀️:南校区第一实验楼423会议室

Organic nanofibers have gained increasing interests, largely due to the unique optoelectronic properties and potential applications in various nanodevices in competition with the inorganic counterparts. Nanofibers fabricated from rigid, planar aromatic molecules possess one-dimensional (1D) optical and electrical properties along the long-axis. Such 1D dominant properties include long-range charge transport and exciton migration, making the nanofibers unique building blocks for optoelectronic sensor devices. In this talk, we will discuss our recent progress in the fabrication of high quality nanofibers from various building block molecules and the applications in vapor detection of explosives, drugs and other chemicals, which are of great interest to security, environment and health concerns.

1991 B.S. Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
1995 Ph.D. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

Professional Experience:
2008 – present, USTAR professor, Nano Institute of Utah, University of Utah.
2014 – present, Professor, Dept of Mater Sci and Eng, University of Utah.
2012 – present , Adjunct professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Utah.
2008 – 2013, Associate Professor, Dept of Mater Sci and Eng, University of Utah.
2008 – 2008, Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University
2005 – present, Adjunct Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Beijing.
2003 – 2008, Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University.
2013 – present, Associate Editor: Science of Advanced Materials
2011 – present, Founder, CSO, Vaporsens Inc.
2010 – present, Director, Utah Center for Interfacial Sciences, Nano Institute of Utah
2011 – present, Director, Utah Center of Trace Explosives Detection (UCTED)

Research Interests:
Self-assembly of Nanostructures, Organic Nanowires and Nanodevices, Surface Nanopatterning,
Nanojunction Charge Transfer, Nanoscale Imaging, Single-Molecule Spectroscopy, Single-
Molecule Sensing and Probing, Fluorescence Sensing, Optoelectronic Sensing, Explosives
Detection, Organic Photovoltaics & Solar Cells
Honors and Awards:
2012 Overseas Expert, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2007 CAREER Award, NSF.
2003 Research Fellowship, K. C. Wong Foundation (Hong Kong).
1996 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Germany

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