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    [10月24日]High performance thermoelectric nanocomposite: from materials to devices

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    题 目💪🏼:High performance thermoelectric nanocomposite: from materials to devices
    报告人:Weishu Liu 博士(Department of Physics and TcSUH🏔,University of Houston)
    时 间🚵🏻‍♀️:10月24日(周五),上午9:30-10:45
    地 点:南校区第一实验楼423会议室

    Thermoelectric power generation (TEG) was widely accepted as one of the clean energy conversion technology in harvesting the widely distributed waste heat as well as converting the abundant solar energy into useful electricity. The past ten years, we have witnessed big advances in the thermoelectric materials. However, there is still only niche application in the thermoelectric energy power generation. In my talk, I will firstly present to pure the high ZT by the phonon engineering and electron engineering. The phonon engineering involves the nano structuring approaches to suppress the propagation of phonon. In the electron engineering, I will give two examples to adjust the band structure to achieve the enhanced power factor. Then, I will talk about one challenge problem when we scaled up the synthesis of Bi2Te3, i.e. irreproducibility issue. Thirdly, I will talk about the most challenge issue to achieve the reliable contact, which would be the bottle neck technique challenge for most novel thermoelectric materials before their real usage in industry.
    1. W. S. Liu, et al., Chem. Mater. 20, 7526-753 (2008)
    2. W. S. Liu, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 93, 042109-03 (2008)
    3. W. S. Liu, et al., Advanced Energy Materials, 1, 577-587 (2011)
    3. W. S. Liu, et al., EES 6, 552-560 (2013)
    5. W. S. Liu, et al., J. Mater. Chem. A, 1, 13093-1310 (2013)

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