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[3月2日]NuSTAR X-ray Telescope: Bring The Galactic Center Into Focus

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题 目🥛:NuSTAR X-ray Telescope: Bring The Galactic Center Into Focus
报告人:Shuo Zhang(Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory)
时 间👨🏽‍🦰🔸:3月2日(周一),下午2:00-3:00
地 点◽️🚑:物理馆512会议室



The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) was launched on June 13 2012. It carries the first focusing hard X-ray optics into outer space.  With the unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution in 3-79 keV, NuSTAR is opening a new window in high energy astrophysics.  A number of key science goals drive the two years baseline mission, among which is a deep survey of the Galactic Center, including one centered on the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). I will discuss the focusing X-ray optics, ground calibration and he up-to-date status of the NuSTAR telescope. Science goals, observation strategies and real data analysis will be introduced as well.



Shuo Zhang is a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellow at Columbia Astrophysics laboratory. She is a member of the NuSTAR science team and also a member of the Sgr A* X-ray visionary project. Shuo received B.E. from Tsinghua University in 2010, followed by obtaining M.A. and M. Phil. from Columbia University in 2012 and 2013. She joined the Columbia NuSTAR group in 2011, and has since then been involved in the NuSTAR telescope ground calibration, selecting observation targets and making observation strategies. Shuo is also among the first to analyze the NuSTAR data since its launch.  Her main research interest is the hard X-ray outburst history of the Galactic center black hole Sgr A*, which was selected to fund directly by NASA headquarters in 2013. She has also worked on various topics related to the Galactic plane, such as the Galactic plane survey, the Galactic center hard X-ray diffuse emission, supernovae remnants, young massive clusters and X-ray binaries. She won the NASA Group Achievement Award for her contribution in the NuSTAR science team in August 2014.

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