题 目:Spin pumping in Anti-ferromagnets & spin Hall effect by surface roughness
报告人:肖江 教授(复旦大学物理系)
时 间:5月7日(周四)🧫,下午2:00
地 点:南校区第一实验楼406学术会议室
In the first part of the talk, I will show that, counter intuitively, it is possible to the pump spin currents by AFM resonance through an AFM|NM interfaces. The physical picture can be understood as two separating spin pumping by two sublattices, whose contributions to the spin pumping are constructive instead of destructive.
In the second part of the talk, we propose a new mechanism to enhance the spin Hall effect without heavy elements, i.e. surface roughness in metallic thin films. We examine Cu and Al thin films with surface roughness and surface Rashba spin orbit coupling and find that they give the spin Hall effect comparable to that in bulk Au. We demonstrate that the spin Hall effect induced by surface roughness has the side jump contribution but not skew scattering.