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[5月21日]Laser damage in optical materials - principles and measurement techniques

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主讲人 时间

题 目:Wideband multilayer mirrors with minimal layer thicknesses variation
主讲人👣:Prof. Wolfgang Rudolph(University of the New Mexico, USA)
时 间⛹️:5月21日(周四),下午2:00
地 点:物理馆512会议室
语 言👨🏻‍🌾:英语

主讲人简介👨🏼‍🦳:Fundamental principles of laser damage in optical films are discussed with special emphasis given to the role of defects. Third-harmonic microscopy is introduced as an imaging tool to identify sample inhomogeneities. A novel nanosecond damage technique -STEREO-LID is described, which is superior compared to the ISO standard.

讲座简介🪶:Fundamental principles of laser damage in optical films are discussed with special emphasis given to the role of defects. Third-harmonic microscopy is introduced as an imaging tool to identify sample inhomogeneities. A novel nanosecond damage technique -STEREO-LID is described, which is superior compared to the ISO standard.

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