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[6月16日]Quantum heat transport and thermal entanglement in the non-equilibrium steady state configuration

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题 目🧔:Quantum heat transport and thermal entanglement in the non-equilibrium steady state configuration
主讲人:项人宗 博士(复旦大学
时 间:6月16日(周二 )♚,下午2:30~3:30
地 点👨🏻‍⚖️:南校区第一实验楼423会议室

主讲人简介:项人宗博士在美國Boston 的Tufts University 获得博士學位🦫,題目是關於量子真空如何影響退相干(decoherence/recoherence)。之後回臺灣東華大學做博士後。研究的主題大體上都是在非平衡場論的框架下👩🏻‍💻⚂,討論量子場擾動如何影響各式各樣的系統,包括非常早期宇宙😨。近兩年偏重量子糾纏🧘🏼🧎‍➡️,量子熱傳輸🙍🏼。未來可能會整合起來去看到小系統量子熱力學及量子摩擦(quantum friction)。2014年加入復旦大學的center for field theory and particle physics 擔任research fellow▪️。

报告摘要:This talk will cover two topics. The first part is related to the application of the functional methods to the problem of quantum heat transport. I use the linear harmonic chain as the model system. The second part covers thermal entanglement in a similar configuration. I will also address whether quantum entanglement plays any role in quantum heat transport. Finally I briefly mention the extension of the functional method to nonlinear quantum heat transport.

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