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[04月22日]Future directions in X-ray Optics at Diamond Light Source

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题 目:Future directions in X-ray Optics at Diamond Light Source
报告人𓀘:Kawal Sawhney(Principal Beamline Scientist for Diamond’s Test beamline B16,Diamond Light Source, UK)

时 间:4月22日(周五)🧑🏻‍🍳,上午9:30-10:30
地 点:物理馆512会议室


Kawal Sawhney is heading the Optics and Metrology Group at the Diamond Light Source, UK. He is also the Principal Beamline Scientist for Diamond’s Test beamline B16. Educated in India, he undertook post-doctoral work in the field of X-ray Optics at BESSY-II in Germany. Prior to joining Diamond in 2004, Kawal was head of the Beamlines Section at the Indian synchrotron facilities Indus-1 and Indus-2, where he oversaw design, construction and operation of several beamlines. Kawal has more than 25 years of experience on a wide range of x-ray instrumentation and optics for synchrotron applications. Kawal has a broad range of interests which includes developing micro and nano-focusing X-ray optics; ex-situ and in-situ at-wavelength metrology; and designing beamline optics for X-ray applications.


Diamond light Source is UK’s national synchrotron facility and currently more than 30 beamlines are in operation or construction, all of which employ a range of high-quality optics to focus the synchrotron X-ray beams. Increasingly the beamlines are becoming specialised and desire nano-focusing, variable beam sizes, focusing at different positions along the beamline (e.g. at the sample and at the detector), etc. Furthermore, discussions and planning have been initiated to make a major upgrade to Diamond by reducing the horizontal emittance of the electron beam in the synchrotron storage ring by more than a factor of 20. Requirements for beamline optics will become even more stringent on Diamond-II. Future directions in terms of development of novel optics; and ex-situ and in-situ (using X-rays) metrology of X-ray optics at Diamond will be presented. 

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