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[05月03日]Promoting Student Group Discussion through In-class Formative Assessments

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题 目🧑🏻‍🎄:Promoting Student Group Discussion through In-class Formative Assessments
报告人🤠:Lin Ding, (Department of Teaching and Learning, Ohio State University, Columbus)
时 间🏊🏿:5月3日(周二)✔️,下午1:30-2:30
地 点😱:瑞安楼2楼报告厅


 Despite the various emerging new methods for teaching, effective classroom instruction invariably hinges on well-crafted activities to promote student active learning. At the core of these activities is group discussion, in which students articulate and evaluate their own thoughts, engage in learning by sense making, participate in reasoning and argumentation, create cognitive dissonances toward conceptual change, and develop a healthy intrinsic motivation about learning. These higher-level cognitive processes, although beneficial, are often difficult to come by. One way to stimulate productive discussions is through formative assessments. In this talk I introduce concept question sequences as an example to engage students in productive group discussions. These concept question sequences can be used with student response systems for formative assessments to get real-time feedback on student learning. Differing from traditional materials, concept question sequences are systemically designed into units, namely sequences. Within each sequence, there are 3-4 isomorphic questions that look different at the surface level but all target the same underlying concept. Details of the design methodologies and implementations are presented, together with examples of several questions sequences.


Lin Ding, Ph.D. is a tenured core faculty member in the Department of Teaching and Learning at The Ohio State University, an internationally renowned program in the field of educational studies. Dr. Ding’s scholarly interests lie in discipline-based physics education research. His work includes theoretical and empirical investigations of student content learning, problem solving, reasoning skills, and epistemological development. Dr. Ding specializes in research-based assessment development and focuses primarily on quantitative research paradigms. He has published numerous high-impact journal articles, book chapters, and research proceedings papers. In addition, Dr. Ding has been leading multiple National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored or Ohio Department of Education sponsored projects. Also, he is an Editor for the Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, Associate Editor for the PER-Central resource center, and an appointed member on the Publication Committee for the National Association of Research in Science Teaching. Moreover, Dr. Ding has been frequently invited to serve as a panelist or a referee for various international journals, funding agencies, and professional associations.


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