题 目:Quantum Coherence and Entanglement for Resolution on Nano Scale
报告人🚶:Prof. Girish S Agarwal(Oklahoma State University, USA)
时 间:6月8日(周三)🛳,下午3:30-4:30
地 点🍗:物理馆512会议室
The traditional optical techniques cannot resolve or write features smaller than half the wave length of light. This barrier, known as the diffraction limit, has important implications for a wide variety of research areas that utilize optical tools for example in microscopy and in recent times to quantum computing. We need to manipulate qubits to distances smaller than a wavelength in order to use large dipole-dipole interaction at such distances. The diffraction limit prohibits this. A fast and reliable technique to address and manipulate qubits with nanometer resolution will have significant implications for quantum computing. Continuing with the powerful possibilities provided by quantum coherence we discuss how such coherence created by two laser beams can be used to achieve nano resolution in microscopy and localization. I will also discuss how the standard quantum limit can be beaten by using ideas of entanglement and new methods of detection.
Girish Agarwal, fellow of The Royal Society UK, specializes in quantum optics and is the author of more than 650 scientific publications and several books. His most recent one “ Quantum Optics” is published by the Cambridge University Press. He currently holds the Noble Foundation Chair and Regents Professorship at Oklahoma State University. His work has been recognized by a large number of awards, including the Max-Born Prize from the Optical Society of America in 1988, the physics prize of the The World Academy of Sciences -TWAS, the Humboldt Research Award (1997) of Germany and Honorary doctorates from the University of Liege, Belgium and the University of Hyderabad. He held the Indian National Science Academy’s Albert Einstein Research Professorship and. He was elected fellow of several societies- American Physical Society; Optical Society of America, Indian National Science academy, TWAS. He was Director of the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India and has served on the editorial boards of several journals in Optics and Physics.