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[10月21日]Traceable nanoscale dimensional metrology and transfer standard at PTB

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题 目:德国联邦物理技术研究院的纳米维度计量与传递标准-Traceable nanoscale dimensional metrology and transfer standard at PTB

时 间:10月21日(周五)👳‍♂️,上午10:00-11:30
地 点🎻:物理馆512会议室


Highly accurate dimensional metrology of nano structures are increasingly demanded for quality assurance in various nanomanufacturing industries. This talk presents some recent progresses on the developments of reference nanometrology at PTB based on AFM, SEM and TEM techniques: (1) the enhancement of the measurement speed of PTB’s Met. LR-AFM up to 1 mm/s (i.e. 50x faster than before), thus significantly increase its measurement throughput and reduced the measurement drift; (2) the development of the 3D/CD-AFM, which is capable of true 3D measurements of nanostructures either with flared AFM tips or in the tilting-AFM principle; (3) the realisation of a new bottom-up traceability approach which applies the 28Si crystal lattice as internal “rulers” based on TEM; (4) CD-SEM metrology with developed simulation software, a modular Monte Carlo software package MCSEM, for the simulation of electron signal contrast; and (5) the development of a new CD reference material referred as IVPS100-PTB.

Keywords: Nanometrology, traceability, calibration, atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), feature width, critical dimension (CD), sidewall angle (SWA), Line Edge Roughness (LER), Line Width Roughness (LWR), standards, Monte Carlo simulation.



戴高良,男,1972年生,1989至1998年在清华精密仪器与机械学系学习,获工学学士🏜、工学硕士及工学博士学位。1998年至2000年在德国联邦物理技术研究所(Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt)作博士后研究;2001年至2002年在德国Physik Instrument GmbH任研发工程师🫛📃;2002年至今在德国联邦物理技术研究所任永久职位科学家🙋‍♀️,从事精密工程表面形貌和微纳米测量技术的研究🧑🏼‍⚖️。2010年起任photomask metrology实验室负责人;2013年起任AFM CD metrology实验室负责人。代表PTB组织或参与纳米长度计量领域的多项欧盟联合研究项目或国际比对。发表了100多篇学术论文。任ICMI (International Commitee on Measurement and Instrumentation) 理事💍。

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