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[10月27日] Responsive Polymer Nanocomposites

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题 目:Responsive Polymer Nanocomposites
报告人:郭占虎 博士(美国田纳西大学)
时 间:10月27日(周四),下午1:30
地 点🏋🏿‍♂️:物理馆512会议室

Abstract:Strain sensors based on the resistance change upon exposing to mechanical deformation have been drawn great interests owing to their wide applications. Recently, conductive polymer composites (CPCs) based strain sensors have attracted attentions due to their quick response in the form of electrical resistance variation when subjected to tensile strain. In this talk, I shall share our recent research outcomes come from the two kinds of high elastic thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) based CPCs. One is the bulk graphene/TPU CPCs fabricated by the hot pressing technique, the effects of graphene loading, strain amplitude and strain rate on the tensile strain behaviors were studied systematically. In addition, graphene&CNT/TPU CPCs was also fabricated to investigate the synergistic effect on the strain sensing behavior. The other is the porous CNT/TPU CPCs with highly compressibility fabricated by the freeze-drying technique, the compressive strain sensing behaviors under different strain were also studied, indicating good sensing ability in a large strain range (90 %). All these provide guidelines for the fabrication of CPCs based strain sensors under different practical demands.

Short Bio💝:Dr. Guo, currently an Associate Professor in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK), obtained his Bachelor degree from Shan-dong University of Science and Technology (1996), Master degree from Beijing University of Chemical Technology (1999), and Ph.D. degree from Louisiana State University (2005). All the degrees were from Chemical Engineering. Before joining UTK, Dr. Guo was working in Lamar University from 2008-2014 as Assistant/Associate Professor in Dan F. Smith Department of Chemical Engineering. Meanwhile, Dr. Guo had received a three-year (2005-2008) postdoctoral training in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of California Los Angeles. Dr. Guo directs the Integrated Composites Laboratory (ICL) with more than 20 members and has authored/coauthored more than 310 peer-reviewed journal papers and five patents. The scientific results have been reported by major media including Nanotechweb by the Institute of Physics (IOP), Plastics Engineering Magazine by the Society of Plastics Engineering (SPE), MaterialsViews by Wiley, National Science Foundation (NSF), etc. Dr. Guo has received Honorary Nomination Award of 2007 for UCLA-Chancellor Research, University Merit Award of 2012 for teaching, and University Scholar Award of 2013 for research at Lamar University. Dr. Guo had served as Chair for the Composites Division of AIChE (2011-2012). Dr. Guo’s current research team focuses on multifunctional light-weight nanocomposites, especially with polymer and carbon as the hosting matrix to solve the energy and sustainability issues. For more information, please visit: http://composites.utk.edu/

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