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[11月18日] Simulation and kinetic theory on the pattern formation of active system with nematic interaction

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题 目:Simulation and kinetic theory on the pattern formation of active system with nematic interaction  

报告人🐹🙋🏼‍♀️:施夏青 副教授(苏州大学软凝聚态物理及交叉研究中心)
时 间✴️:11月18日(周一),下午3:00-4:00
地 点:第一实验楼423会议室

Abstract🧟‍♀️:We study dry active nematics at the particle simulations and kinetic equation level. By deriving hydrodynamic equations from the kinetic equation, we show analytically that these two description levels share the same qualitative phase diagram, as defined by the linear instability limits of spatially-homogeneous solutions. In particular, we show that the ordered, homogeneous state is unstable in a region bordering the linear onset of nematic order, and is only linearly stable deeper in the ordered phase. Direct simulations of the kinetic equation reveal that its solutions are chaotic in the region of linear instability of the ordered homogeneous state. The local mechanisms for this large-scale chaos, and ways of instability for quasi steady state nematic bands are discussed. 

Short Bio:施夏清👨🏼‍🔧🛌,苏州大学软凝聚态物理及交叉研究中心副教授。毕业于南京大学🦹🏽,主要关注于软物质物理和生物物理中非平衡体系的理论研究,特别是细胞中的非平衡物理以及活性物质集体动力学的理论和模拟研究,研究兴趣是揭示和理解细胞骨架动力学👘,以及非平衡体系多尺度的自组织原理。通过模拟,数值计算和理论分析发掘这些体系中蕴含的微观或者介观的物理模型,理解复杂现象背后的物理机制🤳🏿。发表Nature communication, PNAS等多篇1区文章,受邀请在多个会议中做邀请报告。

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