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[03月07号]Introduction to Nanoscale Heat Conduction: from Fluctuations to Atomic motion

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报告人:Prof. Sebastian Volz.  National Scientific Research Center (CNRS),and Ecole Centrale Paris  

地点⚾️:  南校区第一实验楼423会议室




主题:Basics of phonon thermal transport
主题:Heat in low-dimensionnalsystems
主题💁:Basics on atomic thermal transport
主题:Scattering: Transmission, mean freepath and interfaces


          Introduction to Nanoscale Heat Conduction: from Fluctuations to Atomic motion


This series of seminars is proposed to introduce both basics and advanced concept in nanoscale heat transfer.

Each course will remain within 30 to 40 minutes and is intended to open for questions and discussions.

Starting from conventional definitions of heat flux as yielded by Boltzmann equation (course 1), statistical approaches will be presented within the frame of linear response theory to reach general behaviors of heat conduction in low-dimensionnal systems (course 2). The atomic description of heat transport will then be tackled revealing the limits of conventional phonon approaches (course 3). Theoretical developments and illustrations leading to the definition and the computation of key thermal quantities, i.e. transmission, interfacial thermal resistance and mean free path, will finally be proposed (course 4).


Professor Volz obtained his Ph.D. from University of Poitiers in 1996. After working at University of California Los Angeles as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Gang Chen (now at MIT), he became an associate Professor at the National Engineering School of Mechanics and Aerotechnics (ENSMA)in 1998. He joined CNRS in 2002 as a research fellow at Ecole Centrale Paris, and became senior research fellow in 2010. He is the winner of the Bronze Medal of CNRS in 2004, and International Thermoelectric Society Scientific Award in 2009. He is the head of the CNRS European Network “Thermal Nanosciences and Nanoengineering”. In addition, he has served as the chairman in numerous international conferences related to nanoscale heat transport, the active reviewer in more than 20 journals, and the editor of three books. So far, he has published over 300 communications, including 9 chapters, 113 articles in peer-reviewer journals, and 38 invited conferences. His publications have over 3000 citations, and his current H-index is 31. 

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