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    [04月02日]Towards precision nuclear physics for nucleosynthesis

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    题 目:Towards precision nuclear physics for nucleosynthesis
    报告人: Chong Qi / KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE-10691 Stockholm
    时 间🎑: 04月02日(周一)🌔,下午 1:15 - 2:15
    地 点: 物理馆512会议室


    In this talk I would like to review our efforts to understand the structure and decay properties of highly unstable nuclei at the proton and neutron driplines that can potentially studied in the future large-scale facilities like FAIR. The properties of those nuclei can differ strongly from what were encountered so far but can be simulated within the large-scale configuration interaction shell model approach both from a quantitative and qualitative points of view. In particular, I present our systematic calculations on the spectroscopy and transition properties of intermediate-mass and heavy nuclei around 100Sn and 208Pb done together with Dr. Fu from Tongji.

    In addition to our understanding of nuclear structure, we aim at a precise description of nuclear binding energies, level densities and beta decay properties within the framework of nuclear shell model. Such studies can be important in connection to the recent observation of both gravitational waves and electromagnetic signals from the merger of two neutron stars as well as a so-called “kilo-nova” (or “r-process” supernova). Those significant observations indicate that neutron star merger can indeed be a possible site for the proposed rapid-neutron-capture process (r-process) that is thought to be responsible for many of the heavy elements in nature but so far rely mostly on nuclear theory simulations.



    Feb., 2015-, Docent, KTH, Stockholm

    2014-, Assistant Professor, KTH, Stockholm

    2012-, Researcher, KTH, Stockholm

    2009-2011, Postdoc, KTH, Stockholm

    2004-2009, PhD, Peking University, Beijing, China

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